To all of our loyal subscribers,
On behalf of Sam Haimann, and myself (Jimmy Pompeo), we would like to express our utmost thankfulness to all of you for your continuous support of PrepVolleyball.com. In this ever dynamic landscape of youth volleyball, we could not do the things we do without your continued feedback and support. From our rankings to our showcases, the Around The Block podcast, and more, we are so grateful for all of our readers and listeners.
With as many outlets on the horizon operating in the same space, we are forever appreciative that you’ve chosen to consider our content part of your daily and weekly source of information and entertainment. As a staff, we have always tried to uphold the positivity, thoroughness, and accuracy upon which the website was founded, but more so, we’ve tried our best to create consistent and informative resources for players looking to play at the next level.
We take pride in our content, the positive nature of our work, and the authenticity of our awards. But, none of it would be possible without the support of our volleyball peers, fans, parents, coaches, and players. With that, we want to extend our most sincere gratitude for the programs, coaches, event coordinators, players, and parents that choose to subscribe to and participate in our interactive content, social media, and more. If not for all of you, our support, excitement, and passion for the game would hold no joy or relevance.
As we approach the Holiday Season, the expression of our gratitude will take form via our award releases, in which we will have the privilege of celebrating some of the best players in the sport and multiple levels. We are excited to help celebrate the sport and those who choose to pour their passion, energy, and time into it. We hope that our content reflects those same attributes and principles.
We sincerely give thanks to all of you for believing in us, what we do, and how we do it. We wish all of you, your families, and your teams the Happiest of Thanksgivings, good health, and well wishes heading into the new year. Stay tuned for more genuine and original content when we kick off the 2025 club season as well!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The PrepVolleyball.com Staff